How Can Pursuing Civil Litigation Help You Heal From Abuse?

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse or assault, you may wish to put it all behind you and set your sights only on the future. Many survivors find it difficult, however, to move forward without first closing the traumatic chapter of abuse in their lives. One of the most effective ways to find closure is by pursuing civil litigation against your abuser and the institution that protected the assailant instead of you. Filing a sexual abuse civil lawsuit in Kansas could give you everything you need to heal as a survivor.

Providing Validation, Justice and Closure

Abuse victims often feel silenced. The struggle to come forward and tell someone about the crimes committed against them, as well as the fear of not being believed can be overwhelming. Many survivors – especially those who were abused as children – don’t say anything for many years or even decades. Sadly, staying silent can make it impossible for an abuse victim to cope with the trauma and move forward.

A civil lawsuit allows you to finally tell your story, and to be heard and believed. Civil litigation is a tool that can give you your power back by taking a stand. While you can keep your identity anonymous, if desired, you also have the option of facing your abuser and the institution that perpetuated this crime.

While you may carry your trauma with you forever in some ways, securing justice against the wrongdoer can help you overcome some of the emotional toll of abuse. Whether your case reaches a private settlement or you go public and take a defendant to trial for sexual abuse, taking this step can empower you and give you back your voice.

Shedding Light on Abuse in Your Community

Unfortunately, sexual abuse is often not a one-time crime. More often than not, a perpetrator has multiple victims, sometimes spanning the course of years. Coming forward and holding an abuser accountable with a civil lawsuit could protect anyone else from being targeted by the perpetrator in the future. You have the chance to illuminate an instance or pattern of sexual abuse in your community. Telling others what happened to you and naming the perpetrator in a civil lawsuit can deliver justice as well as protect future would-be victims.

Holding an Institution Accountable

A perpetrator is often not the only party that can be held liable for abuse in civil litigation in Kansas. In many cases, an institution or corporation can also be held accountable for its role in perpetuating the abuse or allowing it to happen. A church might have covered up complaints of sexual abuse by clergy members, for example, or a school might have relocated a teacher accused of sexual assault rather than reporting the crime and firing them.

Holding an institution more accountable in the future can protect others from undergoing the same abuse and trauma that you did. The institution may be required by the courts to change its procedures and protocols, for example, to help prevent future incidents of abuse within its walls. The institution may also be required to pay you and other known victims restitution for your suffering.

Paying for Future Therapy and Care

Finally, civil litigation for a sexual abuse crime in Kansas could end in financial compensation being awarded to you for your past and future losses. Although no one can put a dollar amount on your trauma and emotional suffering as an abuse survivor, securing fair and full compensation from one or more parties can help you move forward.

A financial award could help you cover the costs of future therapy, counseling and psychiatric care, for example, including prescription medications for chronic anxiety or depression. This money can help you heal from abuse by allowing you the opportunity to pay for the help and care that you need.

If you are considering civil litigation as a survivor of abuse in Kansas, request a free and confidential consultation at DRZ Law to learn more. Your journey of healing from abuse can start now.

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